Installing Domino 5.0.8 on Linux

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Operating System

CentOS 4.1


Installation of Domino has only one prerequisite. The IBM Java SDK 1.1.8 must be installed on the server. You can download the Java SDK from this URL: [1]

Although the server can be installed and setup without the SDK, agents will not work without it.

Log in as the root user and copy the IBMJava118-SDK-1.1.8-5.0.i386.rpm and the Domino install file to a temporary directory on the server. You can do this using WinSCP which is a free windows explorer like interface for browsing Unix type filesystems.

WinSCP can be downloaded from the following URL: [2]

WinSCP requires an SSH Daemon running on the server. Most Linux distributions have one enabled by default.

Once you have the installation files on the server you can install it using the following command:

rpm –i IBMJava118-SDK-1.1.8-5.0.i386.rpm

Once installation has completed you must create the user and group that the Domino server will run as. The simplest way to do this is from the command line as follows.

useradd notes

This will create the user called notes. To create the group execute the following command.

groupadd notes

We now need to set a password for the notes user. For this example we are going to set the password for the user notes to the word password.

passwd notes

Enter the passwords when the prompt below appears, note that there will be no movement of the cursor as you type in the new passwords.

Enter new UNIX password:

Type in the desired password and press enter.

Retype new UNIX password:

Now we can install the domino server. Change into the directory where the installation file is located. For Youghal the install file was called domino508.tar.gz, We need to extract the installation files from this archive and this is done by issuing the following command:

tar zxvf domino508.tar.gz

For the remainder of the Domino installation, please refer to the IBM Domino installation document specifically from page 188 onwards.

After installation and before running the server in setup mode for the first time you must first login as the notes user. If you are currently logged in as root I would suggest changing to another console by pressing the ALT key and F2 together. This will bring up another console. You can Press ALT+F1 to return to the previous console. Note that you can do this all the way up to ALT+F6.

At the new console log in as user notes. Change directory to /local/notesdata

Now we need to export the path to the java installation. At the console, execute the following commands:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk118
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/jdk118/bin

Now we can run the Domino setup by executing the following command (first make sure that you are in the /local/notesdata directory).

You may at this stage receive an error like the following:

/opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/http: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

This is a result of a different than expected version of libstdc you can remedy this by looking in /usr/lib. For example for our server we created a symbolic link as follows:

ln -s

From another machine you can now open up a web browser windows and enter the address of the server. For our server here the address was

Follow the wizard that now appears in your web broswer to finish the setup.